Health and Safety Equipment

The objective of playing rugby is to have fun, and that means being warm, safe and properly kitted out. Set out below are some key points regarding safety:

Gumshields / Mouthguards

Teddington RFC insist that all players wear properly fitted mouthguards/gumshields for training and matches. A dental fitting and modifications service is available - please ask your Lead Coach or visit our dental provider, Claridge Mouthguards for more information and to book your home visit.

Players can only play without a gumshield if their parents have given written permission that indemnifies the Club from any resulting injury.

Boots and Studs

Worn, chipped studs and jagged edges can cause serious injury to players, particularly from Under 9's upwards. Boots must be examined regularly and missing studs replaced. Only studs conforming to BS 6366 (1983) will be allowed. All aluminium studs are recommended and they can be bought from the Club Shop. Plastic studs must not be used, although moulded rubber studs will be allowed in U6, U7, and U8's. The safety of blade type studs is under review and parents are advised not to purchase boots with these types of studs until their position in the game is confirmed.

Severe Weather

Players will not enjoy their rugby, may get injured and may be put off the game if they are inadequately prepared for the cold and wet winter days. Players must come with adequate equipment to cope with the likely weather conditions. This includes hats, gloves, waterproof top and tracksuit bottoms. And don't forget a half time snack and drink! Appropriate clothing can be bought from the Club Shop.

Tetanus Injection

All Mini rugby players should have a preventative course of tetanus injections - see your GP or Practice Nurse.


We all hope that no player gets hurt. If, unfortunately they do, first aid will be administered at the site and parents/carers notified. If, in the opinion of the first aid provider the child needs hospital treatment, appropriate arrangements will be made. If a parent/carer is unavailable, the Club will ensure the child is accompanied and the parent/carer notified as soon as possible. The Club has a fulltime Physiotherapist and a Personal Physical Development Advisor available to help with injury prevention, injury management and rehabilitation.

When concussion is sustained the player will be removed from the field and irrespective of age, will have a compulsory 21 days off rugby.

Medical or Other Conditions

Parents / Carers must notify coaches of any condition, eg asthma, diabetes, attention deficit disorder, epilepsy, that could affect a player during a session.


Coaches and assistants cannot act "in parentis loco" and cannot take legal responsibility for players whose parents/carers leave them during training sessions, matches or festivals. If a parent does leave, they must appoint another parent to be responsible for this child. They must notify their Lead Coach of their absence and identify their stand-in carer.


While not wanting to be too prescriptive on this, we appreciate that this is a sensitive area and we do not want any children or parents to have any concerns. Therefore, we have set in place a policy that is largely based on the RFU Guidelines on Video/Photographic Images.

First and foremost:

  1. Any adult seeking to take photographs of any Teddington Rugby child player must first speak with the lead coach of that age group ideally or as an alternative, the coach taking that session. This is a fundamental requirement, not just a courtesy.
  2. If any of the players' parents or people looking after them who are present object, then no photographs may be taken.

In addition:

  1. All young people must be appropriately dressed for the activity taking place.
  2. Photography or recording should focus on the activity rather than a particular young person and personal details, such as their address, should not be revealed.
  3. Where an individual has achieved success in the game, permission must be gained from a parent/guardian and the young person to use the images and relevant details.
  4. Wherever possible, photographs/recordings should represent the diverse range of young people participating in rugby.
  5. Anyone taking photographs or recording at any rugby event must have a valid reason for doing so.
  6. Lead coaches may authorise, from time to time, the taking of head and shoulder photographs of players for the purpose of identifying children. These photographs are not for publication.
  7. All concerns regarding inappropriate or intrusive photography should be reported in confidence to the club's Child Protection Officer.
  8. Any parent/guardian who objects to their child being photographed should notify the coach (as above) or the Chairman, one of the Vice-Chairmen or Child Welfare Officer, otherwise it is presumed that photographs may be so taken and that any images may be used on the website, rugby related publications or in press-releases.

Teddington Rugby Policy On Nuts

There are a number of children at the club who are allergic to nuts, (not just peanuts). There is a tremendous risk to children who are allergic to nuts, which can arise from even the smallest taste of peanut butter or a piece of nut. The consequences are life threatening in many cases and require immediate intervention with medication, hospitalization or even life support. We want to do all we can to eliminate the possibility of such an occurrence at a club event. We need your help to do this. · We ask all parents and players to assist us in creating a "NUT FREE ZONE" at all club events. · We therefore ask that no foods containing nuts or nut products be brought to club events under any circumstances. Your understanding and support in helping us to provide a "NUT FREE ZONE" at club events is greatly appreciated. If you require any clarification on this matter, please contact the youth chairman or minis chairman.

Child Protection Policy

Everyone working in Rugby Union has a role to play in safeguarding the welfare of young people under the age of 18 playing rugby and preventing abuse of players. The welfare of youth players is paramount and all players under 18, whatever their age, culture, disability, religious belief or sexual identity, have the right to protection from abuse. All adult members, youth rugby coaches and other youth rugby volunteers of Teddington RFC ("the Club") may have contact with youth members of the Club and can be an important link in identifying cases where a youth player may need protection. The Club has an obligation to ensure that it provides youth players with the highest possible standard of care when they are involved in Club activities.

The Club recognizes it has a responsibility:

  • To safeguard and promote the interests and well being of youth players in rugby.
  • To take all reasonable practical steps to protect youth players from harm, discrimination, or degrading treatment.
  • To respect the rights, wishes and feelings of youth players. As a result, the Club is committed to a policy of child protection procedures that will ensure viable safeguards to youth players, coaches, volunteers and Club members by establishing proper recruitment, provision of support, and appropriate training.

Additionally, all new youth rugby coaches and other youth rugby volunteers at the Club will complete a registration form and submit to vetting by the Criminal Records Bureau. The Club's Child Protection Policy and the Club's Code of Conduct for youth rugby coaches and other youth rugby volunteers (together with any other codes or policies introduced by the Club from time to time relating to its youth players) will be posted on the Club's website (

The codes and policies may be amended from time to time by the Club. All youth rugby coaches and other youth rugby volunteers involved at the Club are required to familiarise themselves with the Club's Child Protection Policy and abide by it. Allegations of a breach of the Club's Child Protection Policy will be investigated in accordance with RFU disciplinary procedures.

The details of the Club's Child Protection Policy are:

  • The Club recognises the value of working closely in partnership with youth coaches, parents, professionals and volunteers to protect its youth players from harm and discrimination.
  • The Club acknowledges that abuse does take place in sport and that raising awareness and understanding of the main forms of abuse and establishing communication and reporting procedures if abuse is suspected within the Club will further safeguard youth players, youth rugby coaches, youth rugby volunteers and all others working within the game of rugby.
  • Welfare Officers, one to cover U7-U12 and another for U13-U18, have been appointed to act as the first point of contact for concerns about the welfare of youth players within the Club. The welfare officers are members of the Club's Youth Section Management Committee.
  • Each youth rugby age group at the Club will nominate an adult who will be responsible for liaising with the Welfare Officer in respect of child protection matters in general and those particularly relating to that squad.
  • The Club accepts that all officers and committee members have a responsibility in respect of child protection and is prepared to respond to any indication of poor practice or abuse in line with RFU policy and to put in place structures and systems to ensure that this is followed in practice.
  • The Club has adopted a Code of Conduct for youth rugby coaches and other youth rugby volunteers and will implement and enforce its terms. The Club may introduce, from time to time, other codes or policies relating to its youth players. All codes and policies will be posted on the Club's website and may be subject to amendment.
  • All youth rugby coaches and other youth rugby volunteers at the Club are required to complete a Criminal Records Bureau disclosure form.
  • A disciplinary panel, made up of 3 Club members in line with RFU criteria and with powers laid down by the RFU, will be convened as and when required to conduct a disciplinary hearing in connection with child protection matters.
  • All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
  • All youth rugby coaches and first aid volunteers have a duty of care to the children taking part in activities and must ensure that their physical well being is not at risk and take appropriate action should this be the case.
  • The Club acknowledges that appropriate training will enable individuals within the Club to recognise their responsibilities with regard to their own good practice and the reporting of poor practice or concerns of possible abuse. All the Club's coaches working with youth players will be expected to complete an appropriate RFU coaching course. Other youth rugby volunteers will be encouraged to seek appropriate training to assist them in the conduct of their role at the Club.
  • All youth rugby coaches and other youth rugby volunteers who have regular contact with youth players will be encouraged to complete the RFU Guide to Best Practice and Child Protection distance learning course. A pack for this course is available (at a charge) from the RFU.
  • The Club will encourage youth rugby coaches and youth rugby volunteers to stay up-to-date with rugby, coaching, and child protection issues.
  • The Club will keep written records of attendance, parental consent and accidents.
  • The Club will publish, on its website, a written procedure for dealing with accusations or suspicions of child abuse.
  • The Club will promote fair play and playing within the spirit of the Laws of the Game and the letter of the Continuum.