Teddington RFC Referees Section

This Section of the Club is generously supported by the Lensbury.

Mission Statement:


The Teddington RFC Referees Section has been formed to promote the highest standards of refereeing throughout the Club and the highest standards of conduct on the field of play. It will also be a significant contributor to the knowledge of both coaches and players throughout the Club to the laws of the game of Rugby Union.


  • The Referees Section seeks to:

    1. develop at least two referees in each age group throughout the Minis, Youth and Women’s sections of the Club;
    2. promote as many of our best referees as possible to support the senior sides;
    3. provide opportunities to all who are interested in taking up this art/craft/profession;
    4. encourage all those who are interested in refereeing to go as far as they can and are able to; and,
    5. provide a steady supply of good quality referees to the London Society of RFU Referees.


Members will be required to register their interest and current RFU qualifications. Those who are new to refereeing will be offered an induction meeting and given advice as to how to progress their interest.

Training & Recognition

Anyone interested in joining TRFC’s Referees Section will be able to do so at any time. However, everyone who joins will either already have a recognised RFU Refereeing qualification or be expected to undertake an official RFU training course within four months of joining [it is possible that one or two exceptions may be made where exceptional experience is relevant]. Regular courses are to be held throughout the year and the section will make funds available for training.

Qualified referees will be entitled to wear TRFC’s formal referee’s kit sponsored by the Lensbury and this will clearly identify those with RFU referee status. The referee’s kit has been specially designed to mark out those who have chosen this route and to add stature to their efforts.


Members will be encouraged to develop their skills to the highest levels and to use them at every opportunity. There will be a program of assessments to help develop skills. Meetings will be held at regular intervals to discuss Club specific and more general refereeing issues. There will be talks from Club and external members about various aspects of refereeing. There will be a general lightness of touch and a tendency towards enjoyment in all its many aspects.